Established in 1862
Family-run Business
Free Delivery in Cornwall & West Devon
Showrooms Across Cornwall

This statement has been published in accordance with Section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015

Our Business

Julian Foye is a privately-owned furniture retailer selling upholstery, beds, cabinets, and accessories. We operate from over 5 store locations throughout Cornwall, alongside a transactional online website.

All our operations are based in Cornwall, with our Head Office in Par, Cornwall.

Our Statement

Slavery, servitude, forced labour and human trafficking (modern slavery) are issues of increasing global concern, affecting all sectors, regions, and economies. Modern slavery is fundamentally unacceptable within our business and supply chains and is an important element in our overall approach to business and human rights. As a family-owned business, Julian Foye is committed to respecting, protecting, and championing the human rights of all those who work within our business, including employees, chain workers, customers, and local communities. We accept our responsibility to support transparency and honesty; to find and resolve problems, and to work with others to protect the rights of workers, particularly those who are most vulnerable to abuses such as modern slavery.

Julian Foye recognises the importance of its obligation to prevent slavery and human trafficking in the modern world and we operate a zero-tolerance approach to any contravention of this policy, throughout all our operations.

Our Supply Chain

  • Julian Foye sources products from both the UK and Europe using established wholesalers, suppliers, and factories.
  • We have long standing, valued relationships with our suppliers, all of which share our values.
  • We recognise that products sourced from overseas have the potential to pose the greatest risk of modern slavery within our supply chain, both through their sourcing of raw materials, the manufacturing process itself and the shipping to the UK.
  • We operate our own fleet of delivery vehicles delivering from our Warehouse in St Blazey, though we utilise respected third-party contractors for outside of Devon and Cornwall deliveries.
  • We also outsource some of our support services, including maintenance activities, though always using highly regarded suppliers who share our values and with whom we have long standing working relationships.

Julian Foye is working towards full transparency across our supply chain to mitigate the risk of slavery and human trafficking within our business.

Our Procedures

We are continuously developing our retail offering whilst being mindful of the UN Global four pillars which include human rights, labour standards, environmental and anti-corruption standards. To ensure we achieve this we have developed the following procedures:

  • Recruitment – Procedures ensuring employee legal status and right to work.
  • Whistleblowing – Communication method ensuring anyone can raise concerns.
  • Employee code of conduct – Covering anti-corruption / bribery and our Modern Slavery Policy.

Due Diligence

Our supply base is ever changing in line with current business needs. We have issued our Modern Slavery policy to all our suppliers.

Julian Foye will also check that all suppliers have a human trafficking and modern slavery statement in place and available via their website. That our suppliers have policies and processes in place to minimise the risk of human trafficking and slavery within their organisation and supply chain.

If our suppliers are members or supporters of any organisations, or initiatives aimed at reducing modern slavery, for example, the Ethical Trading Initiative, Stronger Together, Stop the Traffik, Fairtrade Foundation, then Julian Foye will collate the information to determine if the supplier is a high, medium or low risk.

Employee Awareness and Training

We recognise the need for training, and we have actively provided all personnel with an awareness and training of the Modern Slavery Act. In addition to this, when joining the business, all new employees will be required to undertake compulsory training modules to gain awareness of the Modern Slavery Act and their responsibilities to it.


Julian Foye encourages personnel both internal and external to the business, to report any unethical practices.


We will continue to develop appropriate measures to ensure adherence throughout the supply chain and identify areas for improvement as appropriate.

This statement is made pursuant to section 54 (1) of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and has been approved by the Board of Directors.

Annette Thomas

Managing Director
March 2025